BCP IS Your Go-To for Discontinued Products, Unavailable or Backordered Medications, and Custom Compounds - Trust BCP With Your RX Needs

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Houston Business Journal

B.C.P.’s unique approach to puppy prescriptions and kitty compounds has attracted some top-dog customers.

Best of Houston 2001 – Houston Press

Named Best Pet Pharmacy – “BCP is the brainchild of Houstonian Jennifer Gimon, R.Ph., who now boasts clients in homes, wildlife refuges and zoos all over the globe.”

Veterinary Practice News™

Feline Diabetes: What’s Your Insulin I.Q.?

– Commentary by Jennifer Gimon, R.Ph

BCP Gets Rave Reviews - click here to read reviews

BCP vets rave reviews on Google! Check out what people are saying about the ORIGINAL animal only compounding pharmacy in the U.S. We are women-owned and nationwide. BCP ships next day across the continental U.S. we are individually owned so our prices stay affordable and when BCP saves money on a product, we pass the savings onto our customers!