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Topical Products

BCP Veterinary Pharmacy compounds numerous creams, lotions, gels, solutions and ointments for topical application that are easily administered and target specific affected areas. Our topical preparations are used for infection (both fungal and bacterial), inflammation, local anesthetics, and dental procedures. BCP Veterinary Pharmacy’s most popular products are typically rubbed onto the affected area of the animal’s skin or administered to the external ear canal to treat otitis externa and to provide pain relief.

Product Info


Shelf Life:

6 months


Most medications are stored at room temperature. Please ask a BCP pharmacist for further information.


• Solutions: Shake well before each use.

• Keep out of reach of pets and children


Ointments & Creams:15gm, 30gm, 60gm, 120gm, 240gm, 480gm jars,15gm dial-a-dose syringes

Lotions & Solutions:30ml, 60ml, 90ml, 120ml, 240ml, 480ml bottles, 15ml droptainers

How to Order:

All orders are per prescription. The veterinarian must call, fax or mail a prescription to BCP Veterinary Pharmacy.


Topical preparations are shipped overnight to either the veterinarian or directly to the pet owner.

Fast Turnarounds

Orders are usually received by the client within 2-3 business days across the country.

Quality of Products

Veterinarians trust our unique approach to custom-compounded pharmaceuticals. BCP purchases all active ingredients from FDA-approved facilities, and therefore you can trust that you will receive the highest quality when you order from BCP.

Easy Ordering

You can easily place an order right now.