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BCP PZI® Bovine Insulin

BCP Veterinary Pharmacy has replicated the discontinued formula for 100% bovine protamine zinc insulin (PZI). With only one amino acid difference occurring at site A18, bovine PZI is the closest match to feline insulin available. Cats can accept this insulin better because it is much more like their own. By comparison, recombinant human insulin is the furthest removed from feline insulin with four amino acid differences, while porcine insulin has three amino acid differences and is structurally closest to canine insulin. The protamine binds to the insulin molecule and slowly releases insulin into the bodily tissue.

Most cats can be regulated with only one dose per day, as opposed to the twice-a-day routine many cats require when using synthetic human insulin. Once-a-day insulin injections obviously offer a considerable compliance benefit for pet owners. Veterinarians have reported that there seems to be a smoother regulation of blood glucose curve when using BCP PZI®. This medication is a good choice for cats suspected of having insulin resistance. Some cats, whose condition had previously been difficult to control with other types of insulin, have finally been regulated with BCP PZI®. BCP Veterinary Pharmacy compounds its BCP PZI® with 100% pure bovine insulin crystals that meet all USP monograph specifications and insists upon ongoing analysis to ensure quality control.

BCP PZI® insulin is available in 100u/ml 5ml or 10ml, 50u/ml 10ml & 40u/ml 10ml. 40u syringes are also available for purchase.

Product Info


Shelf Life:

6 months


Refrigerate BCP PZI® as soon as you receive it. Do not allow the medication to boil or freeze. Our BCP PZI® insulin has a “neutral pH” which gives it much greater temperature stability.


Subcutaneous injection.


Mix by gently rolling the vial before each use. Monitor glucose levels closely when switching from any other insulin to BCP PZI®. Keep out of reach of pets and children.

How to Order:

All orders are per prescription. The veterinarian must call, fax or mail a prescription to BCP Veterinary Pharmacy.


BCP PZI® insulin will be shipped overnight either to the veterinarian or directly to the pet owner. The insulin is sent in an insulated container with an ice pack.

Fast Turnarounds

Orders are usually received by the client within 2-3 business days across the country.

Quality of Products

Veterinarians trust our unique approach to custom-compounded pharmaceuticals. BCP purchases all active ingredients from FDA-approved facilities, and therefore you can trust that you will receive the highest quality when you order from BCP.

Easy Ordering

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