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BCP BNT® is a unique formulation by the late Larry Ehrlund, DVM that is often used to treat Pseudomonas-resistant ear infections. Many veterinarians will treat the infected ears by filling the ear canal with this formulation and rechecking the ear two weeks later. Upon re-evaluation, it is with the veterinarians’ discretion whether to initiate another treatment cycle.

BCP BNT® Otic is also a successful treatment when used in infected anal glands by liquefying the ointment in a hot water bath making it easer to infuse into the glands. Our special formula stays in the gland unlike otomax or other products that run right out after infusing.

Product Info


Active Ingredients

BCP BNT® is a combination of Enrofloxacin, Ketoconazole, and Triamcinolone. Each component of BCP BNT® serves a different function.

Enrofloxacin (Baytril) treats the bacterial infections, Ketoconazole (Nizoral) helps prevent fungal growth secondary to the antibiotic treatment and Triamcinolone helps reduce inflammation.

If a culture is preformed and the results show the patient is sensitive to another antibiotic other than Baytril, BCP can compound with many other antibiotics.

DO NOT wash area prior to administering BCP BNT®. The lanolin BCP uses is anhydrous and will pull the moisture and debris outward.


May be used topically, administered into anal glands using a cannula or in the ear.

Do not use in pets with ruptured eardrum.

BCP BNT® ointment is a compounded product made by the requests of veterinarians and is not a commercial product that has been evaluated by the FDA .

BCP BNT® should not be used in animals with a history of sensitivity to enrofloxacin, ketoconazole and/or triamcinolone.

How Supplied

BCP BNT® comes conveniently packaged in 1lb, 1/2lb, 1/4lb, 60gm, 30gm, 15gm, 3ml and 1ml with a cannula for anal gland infusion.


Administration of BCP BNT® for use in anal glands.

  • Place the BCP BNT® in a hot water bath to liquefy (this makes it easier to infuse)
  • Attach a cannula on the end of a syringe to infuse into the gland.

Side Effects

The most common side effect of BCP BNT® is transient hearing loss.


BCP BNT® will be shipped overnight either to the veterinarian or directly to the pet owner.

Fast Turnarounds

Orders are usually received by the client within 2-3 business days across the country.

Quality of Products

Veterinarians trust our unique approach to custom-compounded pharmaceuticals. BCP purchases all active ingredients from FDA-approved facilities, and therefore you can trust that you will receive the highest quality when you order from BCP.

Easy Ordering

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