BCP IS Your Go-To for Discontinued Products, Unavailable or Backordered Medications, and Custom Compounds - Trust BCP With Your RX Needs

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Pet Owners

Pet Owners

Easily refill prescriptions approved by your Veterinarian.

How do I order my pets prescription from BCP?

You must have a prescription from a licensed Veterinarian. If your Veterinarian gave you the prescription, you can send it directly to us via fax, email or postal service. Most often, the Veterinarian will call the prescription in directly to BCP. When your Veterinarian calls in your pet’s prescription, someone from our friendly customer service department will contact you to get your shipping and billing information. BCP must receive this information before an order can be processed.

How and when should I receive my order?

You should receive your order within two business days after you confirm your shipping and billing information with BCP. All orders are shipped via FedEx. If shipping to a residential address a delivery signature will not be required unless requested. Other options include shipping to a commercial location such as your office, shipping to a FedEx pickup location near you, or shipping to the Veterinarians office for pickup (we must receive permission from the clinic for this option). **If you live in or around the Houston area, you may pickup your prescription Monday – Friday between 9am and 6pm.**