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GFI-256 - For Office Use Changes Effective April 1, 2023

GFI-256 - For Office Use Changes Effective April 1, 2023


What You Should Know about GFI #256 – effective April 1, 2023

These are new federal government regulations concerning compounded medications for animals. It applies to both veterinary clinics and veterinary pharmacies in all 50 states and US territories.

  • Prescriptions must be patient specific - please use the animal patient’s first and last name on the Rx
  • Prescriptions in the Veterinarians name 'For Office Use' is only permitted for the products listed on this FDA WEBSITE
  • As of April 1, 2023, all new prescriptions must include a reason why the compounded product is necessary instead of a commercially-available FDA-approved product.
  • Some examples include: Animal cannot be pilled/dosed orally with the FDA-approved product; The FDA-approved product is on shortage/backorder/discontinued; Animal cannot have an ingredient present in the FDA-approved product… BCP’s new online ordering platform provides a drop-down menu with at least 12 commonly cited reasons that you can identify for each prescription.
  • Veterinarians using their own prescription software to send orders by email are welcome to include their reason in the SIG (directions) field along with dosing directions. When an existing patient-specific prescription expires or runs out of refills, BCP will prompt the veterinarian to include the reason during the renewal process.

Questions or concerns? Email rebecca@bcpvetpharm.com for a prompt response. Thank you for choosing BCP Veterinary Pharmacy.

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