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Help Support Wildlife and Rescue Groups!


There are so many great rescue groups and no-kill shelters out there, and BCP loves working with them by making prescription medication at discounted rates to keep things affordable for the many homeless, injured, and unreleaseable animals they care for. Although though times are tough, we found a way you can support some of these groups by donating something that you would normally throw away. Wands for Wildlife collects old mascara wands to aid in comforting and caring for the tiny wildlife creatures they take care of. BCP now supports Wands for Wildlife by taking year-round wand collections and donating them to wildlife organizations quarterly. The Wands for Wildlife website requests cleaning the wands with soap and water prior to sending it. For more information on the not-for-profit organization, you can visit https://www.wandsforwildlife.org/about.html and read all about them. When you have mascara wands you want to donate you can mail them to BCP Veterinary Pharmacy 1614 Webster St. Houston, TX 77003 and we will hold them even when the collection period is paused and mail them out when they are accepting them again. This amazing yet simple way to do your part in helping rescue groups even when times are tough makes giving back so easy, especially when donating time or money isn’t – BCP loves supporting rescue groups across the United States and we welcome them reaching out to us for support and low-cost prescription medication. If you work for a shelter, wildlife rehabilitation center, or rescue group, feel free to reach out to Rebecca@bcpvetpharm and see how we can work together!