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Flea Facts for You and Your Pet!


So, what's the real deal about fleas for your pet? It seems like fleas don't always succumb to the flea preventatives on the market, and most pet owners think the flea cycle eventually dies in the winter months, but do they? The flea cycle has four stages, egg, larvae, pupa, and adult, and what exactly does it take to kill the specific stages of the cycle and more importantly, how do I keep my pet flea free year round? In Southern states, temperatures don't always reach freezing or below for an extended period. Adult fleas die in temperatures of 46.4 degrees or lower and at 95 degrees or higher. Immature fleas will die in a temperature of 55.4 degrees or lower however, the flea carrier's body temperature is always warm as are the dens of the wild animals, so the fleas will survive even a harsh winter as long as they are somewhere sheltered from the cold. Flea eggs will hatch in temperatures of 50 degrees, but the larvae will die within 10 days because the immature stage fleas require temperatures of 55.4 degrees or higher. In summer months, fleas must be exposed to temps above 95 degrees for more than 40 hours/month unless there is more than 75% humidity - so that pretty much rules out most of Texas and Florida! So, what are the best ways to eliminate fleas on your furry friends? Flea shampoos, dips, and using high temps when washing bedding and other household linens and talk to your veterinarian about the best flea and tick prevention for your pet. BCP Veterinary Pharmacy does not carry any flea prevention medication as we are a veterinary compounding pharmacy. And if your pet ever does need prescription medications, be sure ant tell your vet you want to get it from BCP Veterinary Pharmacy - where we make medicating your pet a treat!